
Car booking


Armored car rental


Security services

About the company

PFCU Tactical Group is a company that provides its services in the areas of Bodyguard and analytical consulting, conducting escort activities, as well as escort control and video engineering at facilities. We use innovative technological solutions in the field of security and effectively interact with law enforcement agencies. Thus, any task set before us is solved in an operational manner.

In order to provide high-quality services, we conduct complex activities. It should be noted that the organization of work in this field now requires a high-tech approach, the use of analytical complexes, and high-tech special equipment. In addition, in the organization of the work process, the combat skills of our employees play an important role, as well as fast communication between all departments that provide support for objects that provide personal protection services for the first persons escorting valuable cargo and certain events.

We use innovative technological solutions in the field of security

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